3 Riberas

Vine cultivation

The production of quality wines is primarily based on the "know how" of the local grape growers. Thanks to the long-established grape growing tradition in the area, the vine growers boast extensive experience in managing their plots of land. Given the variability of climate and soils in this protected geographical area, the producers are responsible for optimising the vine growing conditions on the plots of land, by selecting the most appropriate varieties and cultivation methods.

The planting distances used on each plot are the most suitable for each site, variety and vine training system. Vine pruning and other cultivation practices allow producers to ensure that the grapes are in good condition and free from disease, an essential factor in the production of fine quality wines.

The irrigation of the vineyards is an important tool managed by the vine growers, given the fact that, if made at the right time and in the right amount, this achieves the correct vine balance throughout the growth cycle and, therefore, the correct ripening of the grapes.



Edificio Fuerte del Príncipe I - Parque Tomás Caballero nº 2, 6ª Planta, Oficina 1. 31006 Pamplona (Navarra)

Tel: 0034 948 293862
Fax: 0034 948 235910

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