3 Riberas

Relationship between the 3 Riberas wines and the terroir

The quality of the wines in this wine producing area is related to a number of climate and soil parameters that determine the character of the wines of this Protected Geographical Indication:

  • Considerable temperature fluctuations throughout the year favour a long growth cycle and, therefore, a slow ripening of the grapes.
  • High temperature variations between day and night, particularly during the period from veraison to grape harvesting, offering ideal ripening conditions.
  • Low rainfall makes it possible to maintain medium yields, favouring the healthy condition of the grapes and the production of full-bodied wines with a balanced aroma and flavour, suitable for ageing.

Taken as a whole, these climatic conditions make it possible to produce wines with an alcohol content of more than 11%, good acidity levels and appropriate phenolic maturity, favouring the production of wines with intense flavours and colours.

The high levels of soil carbonates, low percentage of organic matter and high permeability all contribute to wines with a high alcohol content and good acidity.

The incidence of the prevailing winds, primarily the northern Cierzo wind, means that relative humidity is low, minimising the effect of diseases such as mildew and odium, ensuring the healthy condition of the grapes.


Edificio Fuerte del Príncipe I - Parque Tomás Caballero nº 2, 6ª Planta, Oficina 1. 31006 Pamplona (Navarra)

Tel: 0034 948 293862
Fax: 0034 948 235910

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